March 11 2024

Holoclara CEO Dr. Andrea Choe participated in an event at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, hosted by Horizons Ventures in partnership with M Power. The focus of the event was for 6 entrepreneurs to engage in a discussion with leaders and students from several local universities about the entrepreneurial journey.

The speakers were:

Dr. Jennifer Doudna (IGI, UC Berkeley)

Dr. Andrea Choe (Holoclara)

Dr. Michael Biercuk (Q-CTRL)

Dr. Sebastian Himbert (Synth-Med Biotechnology)

Dr. Hon Weng Chong (Cortical Labs)

Dr. Andrew Pelling (Spiderwort)

Their talks can be found here.

A total of 709 individuals attended from TMDU, Tokyo Tech, Keio University, and Juntendo University.